What is Creative Writing,”A Day in the life of a Telephone”, Creative Fiction/Non-Fiction Writing, Literary Work

A Day in the life of a Telephone

Hello! I am your friend and I am called Telephone though some people call me Land Line. Personally, I find that rather rude. As it is, these days I am a little miffed as people go gaga over my cousin, Mobile. Her alternative name Cell phone is better than mine and she enjoys all the fame. Yet, I am happy and content the way I am. Let me tell you my story.

First of all my Dad, Alexander Graham Bell brought me into this world with great expectations in 1876. The world celebrated my arrival. Well, that was a different era altogether. People were always good to me; they were thankful for my existence. They used me almost reverentially. Now I am misused and overused. I have come a long way.

On a lucky day, I wake up at seven in the morning with a call from one of my friend’s mothers. She means to talk for a minute but she carries on for at least half an hour. I am grateful to her husband who is instrumental in relieving me. He is indeed an honorable man like most men of his time. These days men have no decency! They behave like women- talking nonstop!

Well, to get on with my routine, after this wake-up call, I decide to take it easy and do a bit of breathing but my dear sing-song cousin carries on making funny noises beside me. I heard from someone that she does something called SMS. I wonder what my Dad would have to say about it. Then my lucky cousin is cradled and pampered and finally taken away. I feel good for a while for being at peace but occasional pangs of jealousy are unavoidable.

My friend has an aunt who lives with her. She works from home. I do not know what she does but I can tell you that with her I am totally exploited. After lunch, I am reasonably free as my friend’s husband hates being disturbed when he is asleep and he sleeps for a good two to three hours. I am happy about this rest hour. Once he is up and about I have to be ready. I am kept busy off and on but I quite enjoy this time of the day.

Then, the night falls and you would think that my day is over. It is not anywhere near being over. There is a call that is made every night which lasts forever! It’s my friend’s daughter who calls up her friend to whisper sweet nothings. I quite enjoy the conversation for about fifteen minutes but beyond that, it gets uneasy for me. However, my friend turns up and tells her to let me be, so she then calls it a day and I get my beauty sleep!

These folks I live with are quite nice though. When I fall sick they get after the exchange doctors to make me okay at the earliest. I am really touched by that. I have a point though. Please tell the maids how I am to be seated. They have no clue. They seat me upside down and that goes unnoticed for a long time.

At the end of the day, I am a happy machine. I am here to do my Dad proud by making you happy, dear friends!

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