Home » English Essay » English Essay on “Science and Education” Best Essay, Paragraph for Class 9, 10, 11, and 12 Students.

English Essay on “Science and Education” Best Essay, Paragraph for Class 9, 10, 11, and 12 Students.

Science and Education

The greatest blessing to humanity is the advent of Science for bringing social prosperity through the spread of knowledge and education Science has helped man to the sky, measure the depth of oceans and wrest from nature many of her hidden treasures. In recent times, it has transformed human life beyond all imagination. Through its advanced inventions and discoveries, Science has cast its great effects on the social life of the human and removed sufferings, ignorance, and hardship. Science has extended the frontiers of knowledge of society in various ways and in various directions. It has enabled man to fight natural calamities and to revolutionize industrial and agricultural processes

The level of education has greatly improved with the help of Science. Now people are more aware and want to know more and more about the latest happenings all around the world. In the modern era of Science, greater emphasis is being given to television in educational, social, and moral spheres. Now it has become possible for a man to sit in the cozy confines of his living room and watch the latest happenings of the world from his home. The expansion of education through television has been tremendous. Moreover, it has a great educative value. As of date, there are various programs run by the University Grants Commission to teach various subjects through the media of television. If proper methods are adopted, various subjects like Chemistry, Physics, English, Commerce, and Mathematics, etc. can be very well taught through television programs. The students also gain a lot from such lessons taught in the form of pictures relating to various topics.

The subject matter taught on television has a more enduring and effective impression on the minds of the viewers. Further, it is all the output of the experienced teachers who understand the problems faced by students who pursue education along with their jobs or cannot afford to go to a regular college. In a large country like India, where most of the population is uneducated, the role of science in the dissemination of education through television cannot be denied.

Science has also contributed the most advanced and well-equipped laboratories for students to learn and conduct practicals. The launching of INSAT and other communication satellites in space has given a further fillip to the cause of education. Now the boundary of a state or a country is not the limit to get qualifications for a particular university. The student can go through various courses through satellite-run programs. The greatest and most significant achievement of science in this regard is launching the internet. The internet has brought about a big revolution in the world of education and information. The click of the mouse can help him access a world of information in a matter of seconds.

With the help of Science, even the minute details of any kind of information or data are recorded either on cassettes, disks, or printed in any kind of book. The libraries of the schools, colleges, and universities are full of the latest books and journals on all subjects topic-wise. A student can opt to go through any subject either on the computer or by going through a book. He has all the options available to him. Science has given him options to study various new fields in the research and development of Science itself.

Science has helped the students to travel all across the world not only for pleasure but to educate themselves about various wonders of nature and see historical places. He can avail the facility of cars, trains, ships, and airplanes and reach his destination in time. Even he can talk to any relative or friend living in any part of the world at any moment of the day or night. Thus he has no tension and can concentrate better on his studies. A student can complete a work of months and years in a matter of hours. Communication and transport have really made the life of students more comfortable.

All other forms of entertainment have been brought to the door of the student by Science. Radio, television, and cinema are helping the student in relieving the daily tensions of life by providing him the best and affordable entertainment. Surely, the daily life of students is very different and has improved a lot with the inventions of Science. Truly, Science is unlimited knowledge for a student and is going to be an eternal source of new blessing in the cause of the spread of education across all horizons of the world.

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