Home » General Knowledge » GK Question “Which Varieties of Snakes Are Poisonous?” general knowledge book English 2021 current affairs quiz and answers for class 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 students Exam.

GK Question “Which Varieties of Snakes Are Poisonous?” general knowledge book English 2021 current affairs quiz and answers for class 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 students Exam.

Which Varieties of Snakes Are Poisonous?

Man had a fear and was always terrified of snakes. Their way of moving about, their appearance and the fact that so many people have died of snake bite, is responsible for this fear.

There are more than 2000 species of snakes. They live on land, in the earth, in water and in the trees. They can practically be found in all parts of the works. Of course, the polar regions and some islands are exception.

The poisonous snakes possess poison fangs, these are hollow teeth, with an opening at the tip. The poison-conducting teeth or fangs, are in the upper jaws and connect with the glands in the head.

Removal of fangs does not make a poisonous snake permanently harmless because new fangs will be grown. Snakes with poison fangs usually inject the poison into their prey to kill it or make it unconscious before it is eaten.

There are about one hundred and twenty varieties of non-poisonous us snakes in the United States. On contrary there are only four poisonous types of snakes. One is the coral snake of the cobra family. It occurs only in the south.

The other types belonging to the pit viper family are: the rattle snake, the copper head and the water moccasin. There are about twelve kinds of rattle snakes. All rattle snakes maybe considered as a type. They are recognized by’ the rattle on the end of the tail.

The rattle snakes are found practically in all the states. The copper head is found in the Eastern States from Massachusetts to Florida. The water moccasin lives in the Southeast.

There are quite a good number of varieties of the non-poisonous snakes in the United States. These are not harmful. They are on the other hand useful in destroying vermin. Black snake, milk snake, king snake and garter snake, green snake and hissing “addar”.

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