Home » English Poems » English Poem “Rice Pudding” of poet Alan Alexander Milne complete poem with summery for Students.

English Poem “Rice Pudding” of poet Alan Alexander Milne complete poem with summery for Students.

Rice Pudding

Alan Alexander Milne

What is the matter with Mary Jane?

She’s crying with all her might and main,

And she won’t eat her dinner – rice pudding again –

What is the matter with Mary Jane?

What is the matter with Mary Jane?

I’ve promised her dolls and a daisy-chain,

And a book about animals – all in vain –

What is the matter with Mary Jane?

What is the matter with Mary Jane?

She’s perfectly well, and she hasn’t a pain;

But, look at her, now she’s beginning again! –

What is the matter with Mary Jane?

What is the matter with Mary Jane?

I’ve promised her sweets and a ride in the train,

And I’ve begged her to stop for a bit and explain –

What is the matter with Mary Jane?

What is the matter with Mary Jane?

She’s perfectly well and she hasn’t a pain,

And it’s lovely rice pudding for dinner again!

What is the matter with Mary Jane?

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